Board of Education
2024 - 2025 School Budget/Election Information Page
What is a Board of Education?
A school board member in New York State serves as a state official. The board's powers are derived from the state Constitution, laws of New York State, and rulings of the state Commissioner of Education.
As elected representatives, board members ensure that the school remains responsive to the needs of district residents by serving as a link between school and community. The Board of Education establishes official policy and sets goals for the school district. Board decisions can be made only by the board acting as a whole in a public meeting.
Board meetings are conducted under the Open Meetings Law, but are not open forums for the community. On the agenda, there is "Community Relations" time which the public may address the Board regarding agenda items or other comments or questions. You must sign in on the sheet provided at the meeting, if you would like to address the Board.
Board Member Terms
The Board is composed of seven community members who are elected to 3-year terms by District residents as part of the school budget vote, which occurs on the third Tuesday of May, each year.
Michael Tenalio, President - term expires 6/30/25
Kevin Niedermaier, Vice President - term expires 6/30/2027
Craig Phelps - term expires 6/30/25
Bobbie Steinhauer - term expires 6/30/26
Matthew Mallaber - term expires 6/30/26
Dawn Ellis - term expires 6/30/26
Lynn Muscarella - term expires 6/30/2027
Have a question?
Sherri Kaleta is the District Clerk to the Board of Education and can be reached by email at or by phone at 585.243.3450 x 2214.
Board of Education Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held in the Thomas Preston MS/HS Media Center located at Geneseo Central Schools, 4050 Avon Road, Geneseo, NY, unless otherwise noted.
For the 2024 - 2025 school year, the Board of Education will meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday's of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted. (Please check back regularly for any changes or updates to this listing.)
➢ Monday, July 8th (Reorganizational Mtg., Regular Mtg.– 5:00 pm)
➢ Monday, August 5 (Public Hearing (Safety Plan) at 6:30, BOE at 7:00pm)
➢ Monday, August 19
➢ Monday, September 9 – Only 1 meeting in September
➢ Monday, October 7
➢ Monday, October 21
➢ Monday, November 4
➢ Monday, November 18
➢ Monday, December 2
➢ Monday, January 6
➢ Tuesday, January 21
➢ Monday, February 3 (cancelled and rescheduled to Monday, February 10)
➢ Monday, February 10
➢Monday, February 24
➢ Monday, March 10
➢ Monday, March 24
➢ Monday, April 7
➢ Tuesday, April 22
➢ Monday, May 5
➢ Tuesday, May 13 (6:00 pm Public Hearing Only, MS/HS Media Center)
➢ Tuesday, May 20 (Budget Vote and Election 8 am – 8 pm, BOE at 6:30 pm)
➢ Monday, June 2
➢ Monday, June 16
➢ Tuesday, July 1 – Reorg. Meeting, Reg Meeting - 5:00 pm
Thinking of Serving on the GCS BOE?
If you are thinking of serving on the Geneseo Central School's Board of Education, this link is a great place to start for information: