Facility Use Request - Community Group



It is the belief of the Geneseo Central School District that the school belongs to the public and should be used as much as possible, as long as usage does not interfere with the educational programs of the school district.

Anyone interested in using a school’s facilities during non-instructional time must complete an online application at least two weeks prior to the date being requested. Please read the "Responsibilities For Use of Facilities" below and contact John Holt at (585) 243-3450 ext 1047 or at johnholt@geneseocsd.org with any questions.  The first time that you make a facility request using our online system ("Master Library") you will need to create an account. There is a user guide to assist with this process or at the bottom of this page.

The facility usage fees for each location are provided below.

Here is a video demonstration of requesting a space.




All requests for the use of facilities are to be made to the Business Administrator at least 14 days prior to requested use. Upon approval of a request for use of school facilities it becomes the organization or group’s responsibility for replacement or repair of any damaged equipment, furniture, etc., including building facilities. Equipment, materials and furniture should be returned to the original location, in good condition and in good order. In addition, the sponsor group will be responsible for implementing the GCS Code of Conduct and maintaining a smoke free environment.


PROHIBITED USES: Any group or agency that seeks public use of school facilities for meetings, entertainment, and occasions that are under the exclusive control of that agency and the proceeds are to be applied for the benefit of that agency will be prohibited. In addition, meetings sponsored by political organization or the use of District facilities by any organization or group to conduct religious instruction or services will be denied.


BUILDING USE FEES: A community group will be charged $25/day for building use for any of the following reasons:


o For weekend or holiday use.

o For fundraising activities (Board of Education approval required)

o When charging admission fees. (Board of Education approval required)

o In addition, weekend custodial costs will be $25.00/hr. Cafeteria employee costs beyond regular work hours are $19.00/hr. If kitchen equipment will be used, a member of the cafeteria staff MUST be present. Children must be supervised at all times in the Cafeteria and only authorized individuals may operate equipment. All charged will be incurred unless it is cancelled 24 hrs in advance.

o Any incidental charges (waste removal, turf repair, etc.) will be charged at cost.


ACCIDENTS/PROPERTY DAMAGE: Any accidents involving students or school personnel or damage to the school district facilities or equipment must be reported to the Building Administrator and/or Business Manager within twenty four hours. Approval of facilities use is contingent upon submission of appropriate insurance forms (minimum $1,000,000).


EMERGENCY CLOSINGS: In the event of an emergency school closing due to inclement weather or emergency of any nature, all activities scheduled for that day or evening are cancelled. It will be the sole responsibility of any group or organization that has reserved any school facility to publicly announce the cancellation of their event. When the decision is made to close the school, announcements will be made as early as possible on: 98PXY, 1030WYSL, 1180WHAM, 100WVOR, 92WBEE, 96WCMF, 1140WCJW.


POOL USE: A fee will be charged for use of the pool at $15.00/hr. A negotiated charge may be established for groups using the pool for extended periods. If a school lifeguard is assigned, a fee of $13.00/hr will be charged.  All charges will be incurred unless request is cancelled twenty four hours in advance.


TRANSPORTATION USE: A fee will be charged for the use of the school district's vehicles.  A member of our transportation department will transport the group and will be compensated at a rate of $20.80 per hour for the trip plus fuel costs.


I state that the requester is an authorized representative of the group or organization making the request and have received, and agree to comply with the District’s regulations and fees for community use of school buildings and grounds as per Board Policy #3280. Sale of prepared food will require compliance and certification from the Department of Health.




Custodial Fee

___ hrs x $ 25.00 =


Pool Use

___hrs x $ 15.00 =



___hrs x $ 13.00 =



___hrs x $ 19.00 =


Field Use

___hrs x $ 20.00 = 



Related Files

Swimming Regulations

If you are requesting to use the pool, please read this regulation sheet.

Creating a "Master Library" Account to Reserve Facilities

This is a user guide to help you create an account in "Master Library" to be able to request the use of the facilities at GCS.