Geneseo Central School District

American Rescue Plan-ESSER Act Funds 2021-2024

The 2021-22 enacted state budget includes language requiring local education agencies, such as school districts, that receive funding from the Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP-ESSER) to post on its website a plan by school year of how these funds will be spent.

Federal Funds

1. Safely returning students to in-person instruction;

·        Air filtration

·        Personal protective equipment

·        Purchasing furniture/equipment needed to meet NYS reopening guidance 

2. Maximizing in-person instruction time;

●       Continue the work on our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

●       Expansion of Work-Based Learning Opportunities

3. Operating schools and meeting the needs of students;

●       Continue to purchase devices and employ staff who support instructional technology

4. Purchasing educational technology;

●       Chromebooks

●       Ipads

●       iMacs

●       Security cameras

●       exterior WiFi & improve interior WiFi

5. Addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on students, including the impacts of interrupted instruction and learning loss and the impacts on low income students, children with disabilities, English language learners, and students experiencing homelessness;

●       Summer program for ELL students

●       Panorama Education to bring student data (academic, social/emotional and behavior) all on one platform so teams can pull reports that analyze student, group, and school performance and effectiveness of ELA, math, attendance, behavior, SEL, and other academic interventions.

●       Continue to secure translation services for communication to non-English speaking parents and families

●       Assess to self paced online professional learning opportunities connected to SEL, ELLs, general and special education

6. Implementing evidence-based strategies to meet students' social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs;

●       Hire a Social Worker

●       Continuation of curriculum development pertaining to Social-Emotional Learning and utilizing Second Step and HealthSmart resources K-8

●       Collaboration with Rochester Regional Health to provide a mental health therapist on site 5 days a week

●       Restorative Justice/ Restorative Practices training for a small group of staff and continuous learning opportunities through the school year

●       Professional development for primary teachers to understand the science of reading, how to identify an area of deficit and intervene when students are struggling

7. Offering evidence-based summer, afterschool, and other extended learning and enrichment programs;

●       Expanded Summer School programs including grades K-8

●       Specialized reading program for SWD

●       Continuation of after school opportunities for students (intramurals and clubs)

8. Supporting early childhood education.

●       Continuation of full-day UPK program

●       Professional Development for early childhood teachers.

The District was required to seek public comment and a survey was sent to parents, staff members and community members, 182 participants provided input on the use of our federal funds. The programs identified in this plan are expected to continue beyond the availability of the federal funding.

To provide the District with feedback on how these funds are used, click here.

To view this information in a PowerPoint format, click here.

To view the Federal Funds Budget Narrative, click here.

To review the District Improvement Narrative, click here.

Federal Funds Documents:

FS 10A #1

FS 10A #1 Summer

FS 10A #1 AFTR

FS 10A #2

ARPA FS 10A #3 Approved

FS 10A #001

FS 10A #002

FS 10-A #004