Meeting Dates and Important Information


Board Meeting Dates for 2024-2025

September 18th

November 20th  

February 26th

March 19th

May 21st

 All Board Meeting will be held in person in the Elementary Library at 6:30 PM.


Mini Grant Dates for 2024-2025

October 16th

January 22nd

April 23rd

  All Mini Grant Meetings will be Zoom ONLY at 6:30 PM.


PTSA Events

Trunk or Treat: 10/25

Book Fair: 11/18 - 11/22

Holiday Shop: 12/10 - 12/12

Box Tops for Education

Any PTSA questions or comments can be directed
to or to any officer listed in "Who We Are".
Website-specific questions (content, layout, etc)
can be directed to

All content is that of the Geneseo PTSA, and does not represent the
 direct interests of the Geneseo Central School District.
