Geneseo Central School District PTSA

Welcome to the Geneseo Central School PTSA website!
Here you can find all about who we are and what we do.
The Parent Teacher Student Association Membership is open to anyone who believes in the mission and purposes of Parent Teacher Student Association. Individual members may belong to any number of PTSAs and pay dues in each. Every person who joins a local PTSA automatically becomes a member of both the state and national PTAs.
Together we are a powerful voice for children. With your help, we can continue to work toward PTSA's goal of a quality education and nurturing environment for every child.
PTSA Vision: What the future will look like if PTSA accomplishes its mission.
Making every child's potential a reality
Impact Tomorrow.
In an effort to increase our member and volunteer numbers Geneseo PTSA is starting a new campaign.
We are asking everyone to join the PTSA (it's only $5) and volunteer for ONE event and attend ONE meeting throughout the year.
We are all busy, how can you not be when you have children? We meet once a month, either on Monday night for a general session, or Wednesday afternoon for a mini-grant meeting. If all of our members joined in we would not have to ask the same people over and over to help. We also would not be scrambling for people to vote on mini-grants.
PTSA is a VITAL part of our school. We support the 5th Grade Whale Watch auction, the Math-Science-Technology Fair, teacher appreciation lunch and offer hundreds of dollars in mini-grants for teachers and staff to apply for. Mini-grants are monies to be used for projects and events in their classrooms and outside of class. We also offer several free events like Family Fun Night, Family Movie Night, Carnivals and many others!
Join us today.
2023-2024 Spanish Membership Form
$5 per Standard & Teacher/ $4 per Student
Checks can be made out to GCS PTSA
The PTSA is now posting our Meeting Minutes and Treasurers Reports on
the website before each meeting. Instead of us printing and distributing
each of these at the meeting, please read each in advance of the meeting, and
prepare to discuss any necessary items.
Prior Meeting Minutes available HERE:
Think before you print
Any questions or comments can be directed
to any officer of the GCS PTSA.
Website-specific questions (content, layout, etc)
can be directed to
All content is that of the Geneseo PTSA, and does not represent the
direct interests of the Geneseo Central School District.
Facebook: Geneseo Central School PTSA