Strategic Plan
On March 27, 2023, the Geneseo Central School District Board of Education approved the district's 2023-2025 strategic plan. District stakeholders have worked tirelessly to create this comprehensive plan that encompasses our vision, mission, and values to guide our work over the next several years.
The strategic plan outlines our goals and strategies for academic success, innovative teaching practices, and community engagement. We believe this plan will not only enhance the quality of education we provide but also position us to be at the forefront of educational excellence.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to working together to make our vision a reality.
The approved Strategic can be seen below.
Our Vision: Success for All
To provide a rigorous and enriching curriculum that empowers all students to reach their full potential, in a safe and affirming environment. We are committed to supporting every student in identifying successful pathways to either career or college, by fostering a culture of academic excellence, creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning.
Our Mission
This mission emphasizes the importance of academic rigor and enrichment, while also prioritizing the safety and well-being of all students. It also recognizes the diverse interests and career aspirations of students and commits to providing them with the necessary support to achieve their goals.
Our Core Values
As colleagues we deeply value…Leading with integrity, loyalty, trust, courage and communication.
The GCSD Strategic Plan is focused on four key areas:
Cultivating Excellence: Our goal is to foster a culture of excellence that enables all students to succeed in a constantly evolving world. To achieve this, the GCSD will ensure effective transitions between school levels and provide high-quality preparation for college and career pathways that accommodate diverse learning needs.
Developing Leaders: Our objective is to develop leaders through academic, creative, athletic, and character education programs. The GCSD is committed to providing social and emotional support to students, staff, and the wider community in order to achieve this.
Effective Communication: We will strive to foster an informed, welcoming, and inclusive environment by establishing consistent, high-quality, and informative communication with all stakeholders of our school community. This includes students, staff members, families, and the wider community.
Fiscal and Resource Management: Our commitment is to provide a fiscally responsible learning environment that reflects the high expectations of our school community. The GCSD will be recognized for its excellence in academics and social-emotional development, with a focus on optimizing the use of resources available to the district.
Goal 1: The Geneseo Central School District will enhance student learning by ensuring effective student transitions from school level to school level, and through high quality student preparation for college and career for all students including those with diverse learning needs.
Objective 1: By June 1, 2024 a Student Transition Plan, designed to improve student transitions into the district, within the district, and outside of the district will have been approved by the Board of Education.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
A Building Planning Team, consisting of staff, students, and families will have been established. | 9/30/23 | Superintendent | Board approval of the task | $1,500 Stipend | Lists shared from GFA by 9.15 (per contract) |
Counseling team will have reviewed and reported to the administrative team all district and building-based policies and practices related to student transition for the purpose of identifying where consistency can be increased and improved | 9/30/2023 | Building Planning Team | Draft report and recommendations | None | Counseling team meeting scheduled 9.12.23; report due to Administration by 9/30 |
The Draft Report and Recommendations from the Counseling team will have been reviewed for input with school staffs, parent leadership, student leadership, and community representatives (Building Planning Team) | 3/31/2024 | Building Planning Team | Revision of Draft Report and Recommendations | None | |
The Building Planning Team will have addressed the following issues with recommendations for improvement: ● The quality of current experiences for incoming students (transfer, new including Home to School Kindergarten) and potential new practices to enhance the success of the transition ● The quality of current experiences for students transitioning from elementary to middle school and potential new practices to enhance the success of the transition ● The quality of current experiences for students transitioning from middle school to high school and potential new practices to enhance the success of the transition ● The quality of current experiences for students transitioning from high school to post high school education and/or to the world of work and potential new practices to enhance the success of the transition | 6/30/2024 | Building Planning Team | Draft report and recommendations | None | |
The Revised Draft Report and Recommendations of the Building Planning Team will have been reviewed and revised as needed by the Board of Education and adopted. | 6/30/2024 | Superintendent Board of Education | BOE presentation on Transition Recommendations. | None |
Objective 2: By June 1, 2027, a revised system for Curriculum Design and Implementation will have been adopted by the Board of Education, whose components will include a common curriculum definition, application of State learning Standards, associated supportive staff development activities, and research based best practices in data analysis including student assessment and grading.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
A K-12 team with representatives from elementary, middle and high school teaching and support staff will be identified. | 6/30/2023 | Superintendent Administrative Team Leadership Teams (PLC) | Leadership Team membership will be shared with the Superintendent | None | PLC guiding coalition developed; initial Solution Tree Training (8.23) |
An internal curriculum audit including reference to all existing Geneseo curriculum documents as well as applicable State and national requirements, resulting in recommendations including: ● A common structure and template for all Geneseo curriculum documents; ● A defined common repository for curriculum documents; ● A common process for initiating and approving curriculum modifications, including appropriate opportunities for staff development necessary to their implementation | 9/30/2023 | K-12 Leadership Teams | Draft report and recommendations, | $30/hour/staff member | Curriculum template adopted with staff feedback (ainsworth); Common repository chosen (Drive) with research taking place on mainstreamed alternatives; Curriculum Development process streamlined (request, approval, reflection) |
Curriculum review cycle to ensure vertical alignment, appropriate pacing, and adherence to State standards in all curriculum design | 9/30/2027 | K-12 Administrative Team | Initial listing of all current course offerings was pulled (8.23) (district-wide) |
Objective 3: By January 31, 2027, a clearly defined framework that details a Multi-Tiered System of Supports will be approved by the Board of Education, whose components will include universal screening, targeted supports, progress monitoring, communication to all stakeholders, professional development and resources, and the use of evidence-based strategies at all tiers of instruction.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
A K-12 team with representatives from elementary, middle and high school teaching and support staff will be identified to perform a comprehensive review of current practices in the provision of special services for students with diverse learning needs. | 12/31/2023 | Superintendent Administrative Team | Appointment of the committee | None | |
The K-12 team will have completed a review of district special services for children with diverse learning needs, including: ● An evaluation of the current Committee on Special Education processes ● An identification of any gaps in the continuum of special education services, including English Language Learning Services ● The use of student assessment data to ensure students are provided appropriate programming ● An evaluation of all current academic, behavioral, and social emotional interventions available across the district ● An alignment of Response to Intervention practices at all levels within the district ● Development of a Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) Plan, including a process for its annual review | 12/31/2023 | Special Services Audit Committee | Draft report and recommendations | $30/hour/staff member |
Goal 2: The Geneseo Central School District will systematically provide for the social and emotional support of students, staff and community.
Objective 1: By June 30, 2024, the District will have initiated a series of activities designed to increase student, staff and community engagement with respect to social and emotional support, including increasing a sense of belonging.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/23 |
Teams (Mental Health and Administration) will collect and summarize current activities in place to assess and address the emotional status and development of students. | 6/30/2023 | Mental Health Team Administrative Team | Review of current programs in place and determination of which are to be considered for continuation for discussion with students, staff, and community. | none | COMPLETED June 2023 |
The Social and Emotional Survey will have been administered to all students in grades 3-12. | 6/30/2023 | Mental Health Team | Survey results as provided by Panorama Education | None (Survey already purchased by District) | COMPLETED Spring 23; Presentation to BOE in 4.23; Preparation has begun for Fall 23 administration |
Review questions for a staff survey and community survey and determine their feasibility as well as next steps based upon normed data from Panorama or like company. | 6/30/2024 | Administrative Team | Recommendations received by the Superintendent | $3,250 | |
In December of each year, teams (Mental Health and Administration) will review and analyze student survey results as well as attendance data and discipline data to determine next steps. | Annually in December | Mental Health Team Administrative Team | Report and recommendations presented to the Superintendent | None | |
Separate focus groups with students, staff and parents will be conducted to receive input regarding climate and culture, as well as to reflect on the student data developed through the survey. | 6/30/2023 | PPS Director with staff | Reports filed with the Superintendent on number of participants and results | None | COMPLETED Meetings were held in May and June of 2023 |
A schedule of professional learning opportunities for staff and parents to develop their SEL skills will be submitted to the Superintendent. | Annually in September | PPS Director and Administrative Team | Schedule together with follow-up reports of number of participants | Costs for staffing the learning opportunities and associated learning materials | Requested catalog for GVEP regarding hosted SEL professional learning |
A schedule of “Coffee Hours” and other SEL learning opportunities hosted by staff for community members with be submitted to the Superintendent. | Annually in September | PPS Director and Administrative Team | Schedule together with follow-up reports of number of participants | Meeting costs | CASA will provide staff/community opportunities (starting 10.23) |
Objective 2: By July 1, 2024 the District will have begun the creation, implementation, and embedding of a Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, K-12.
Strategic/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
Implement 15 lessons connected to social emotional learning, conflict resolution, violence/bullying prevention, and substance abuse utilizing resources from CASA trinity. | 6/30/2023 | Mental Health Team, CASA Trinity Education Specialist, PE teachers | Report to the Superintendent showing completion of lessons and any student feedback | None | COMPLETED Spring 2023 |
Explore social emotional curriculum, and identify implementation strategies K-12 with fidelity. | 9/30/2023 | Explore social emotional curriculum, and identify implementation strategies K-12 with fidelity. | - Survey Tool - Go Blue Cards - Discipline data | $42,765 | Character Strong K-12 roll-out (staff) 8.23; CS coaches assigned to ensure fidelity of implementation |
Explore expanding Go Blue and positive behavioral supports at the middle school and high school level. | 9/30/2023 | Mental Health Team, Administration | Report and recommendations to the Superintendent including communications to staff, discipline data, attendance data | None |
BPT Spring 23, work summer 23; Fall 23 rollout k-12; will look at a district-wide PBIS committee for fidelity/vertical alignment |
Unpack the K-12 SEL benchmarks from NYSED with staff. | 9/30/2023 | Mental Health Team, Administration | Report to the Superintendent showing attendance at professional learning, curriculum integration activities | none | Timeline created for unpacking of 3 domains throughout the year (staff/department meeting) |
Communicate to community about the implementation of social emotional learning K-12. | Annually in September | Mental Health Team, Administration, Public Relations Team | Completed public communications | None | Linkages September 2023 |
Continue to embed Community Circles and offer additional training for staff members who are interested. | 9/30/2023 | Administration, Staff, Erie County Restorative Justice Coalition | Report to the Superintendent on the embedded Community Circles and level of staff. Participation | $2,500 |
Goal 3: The Geneseo Central School District will have consistent, high-quality informative communication with all stakeholders of our school community (students, staff members, families, and community at large), helping to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment.
Objective 1: By July 1, 2024, the Board of Education will adopt a Comprehensive Communications Plan designed to meet communication needs with staff, students, families and community.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
The Superintendent will establish and implement a process to hire a Public Relations Specialist. | 6/23/2023 | Superintendent | The hiring of a Public Relations Specialist | $90,000 | COMPLETED Cross Contract with Capital Region BOCES. Anthony Carter |
The Superintendent and Technology Coordinator will meet with the Public Relations team from Capital Region BOCES to identify the key elements of a Comprehensive Communications Plan for the District. | 6/30/2023 | Superintendent, Secretary to the Superintendent, Technology Coordinator, Public Relations Specialist | Summary of the meeting made available | None | Draft Communications Plan is being reviewed. |
The draft Comprehensive Communications Plan will be reviewed with the Administrative Team, including a discussion of options available to administrative staff for creating consistent expectations for school-to-home communications by teachers, and by building and District leaders, including the use of the District website. | 12/30/2023 | Superintendent, Technology Coordinator, Public relations Specialist | Summary of the meeting made available | none | |
Focus groups will have been conducted by the Technology Coordinator and the Public Relations Team with parent, teacher, student and community leaders for the purpose of Identifying and analyzing both two-way communication needs and options which can be included in the draft Comprehensive Communications Plan (e.g., “coffee hours”, community forums, parent-to-staff communications). | 3/30/24 | Technology Coordinator, Public Relations Specialist | Adopted Plan | None | |
A final draft of the Comprehensive Communications Plan will have been submitted for review and adoption by the Board of Education. | 6/30/2024 | Superintendent, Technology Coordinator, Public Relations Specialist | Adopted Plan | None | |
The Superintendent, the Technology Coordinator, and the Public Relations Specialist will coordinate an assessment (collection) of all current communications in the District (e.g., by administrators, teachers, coaches, advisors) with all constituents. | 12/30/2023 | Superintendent, Secretary to the Superintendent, Technology Coordinator, Public Relations Specialist | Review of all communications to assess their possible place in a larger Comprehensive Communications Plan | None |
Goal 4: The Geneseo Central School District will develop systems of financial and facilities support necessary to meet the needs of a high-quality school district.
Objective 1: Beginning with budget development for FY 2025, the District will utilize a budget process that incorporates input from school district stakeholders.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
The Business Administrator, in consultation with the Public Relations Coordinator, will submit to the Superintendent a Proposed Budget Development Process which incorporates broad stakeholder involvement. | 9/30/2023 | Business Administrator | Report Submission | None | Conversations with PR Coordinator have begun. Inquiring what processes other districts use. |
The Superintendent will have reviewed the Proposed Budget Development Process for FY2024 with the Board of Education; said Process will include a mechanism for regular communications to the Board of Education about the status of the then-current Budget. | 12/31/2023 | Superintendent | Proposal submission Review ARP spending | None | N/A |
Implementation of the Budget Development Process for FY2024 will have begun. | 12/31/2023 | Business Administrator in consultation with the Public Relations Coordinator | Budget planning implementation has begun | $3,000 (estimate) | N/A |
The Business Administrator, with assistance from the Public Relations Coordinator, will have reported to the Superintendent and Board of Education on the steps taken in the FY2024 Budget Development Process and the extent to which there was active stakeholder participation in those steps. | 9/30/2024 | Business Administrator assisted by the Public Relations Coordinator | Report Generated | None | N/A |
Objective 2: By July 1, 2024, the Board of Education will hve approved a 10-year Facilities Plan, addressing building and facilities issues, that incorporates typical facilities maintenance activities, safety considerations, capital outlay projects, local capital projects, major capital projects and ongoing.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
The Superintendent, with assistance from the Business Administrator and Public Relations Coordinator, will present to the Board of Education a recommendation for the creation of a 10-Year School Facilities Planning Committee together with the charge for the work of said Committee and its composition to include broad stakeholder representation. | 9/30/2024 | Superintendent School Business Administrator | Board approval or revision of recommendation | None | N/A |
The 10-Year School Facilities Planning Committee will have completed the items included in its charge, including broad engagement of district stakeholders. | 3/31/2025 | Business Administrator, Architect, Construction manager | Work Completion | $75,000 (estimate) | N/A |
A draft 10-Year School Facilities Plan will be presented to the Superintendent for transmission to the Board of Education. | 3/31/2025 | Business Administrator, Architect, Construction manager | Draft Plan including a narrative describing the Committee’s work and stakeholder engagement | Included in the $75,000 estimate above | A draft contract with SEI Design for the plan has been received |
The Board of Education will approve a 10-Year School Facilities Plan. | 6/30/2025 | Superintendent and BOE | Plan Adopten | None | N/A |
Objective 3: By February 15m 2025, a Cost and Service Analysis will have been completed, analyzing the cost and service implications of a conversion of the current School Bus Service Fleet to Electric/Zero Emission vehicles.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
The Business Administrator, assisted by the Transportation Director, will submit to the Superintendent a draft of a Cost and Service Analysis for a conversion of the present bus fleet to electric/zero emission vehicles. | 1/30/2025 | Business Administrator, assisted by the Transportation Director | Draft Analysis Submission | None | Information has been supplied to GV BOCES regarding energy usage to help create an area wide RFP for bus electrification |
The Superintendent will submit to the Board of Education a Cost and Service Analysis for a conversion of the present bus fleet to electric/zero emission vehicles. | 6/30/2025 | Superintendent, assisted by the Business Administrator and Transportation Director | Analysis Submision | None | N/A |
Objective 4: By July 1, 2025, the District will have available a system of data analysis which yields a comparison with comparable school districts of the expenditure per pupil for critical cost factors in its Operating Budget.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
The Superintendent will provide the Board of Education with an initial draft of comparative District expenditures for the identified areas together with a recommendation for methods of possible dissemination of the information to stakeholders of the District. | 3/30/2024 | Superintendent with the assistance of the Business Administrator and Public Relations Coordinator | Analysis Presentation | None | N/A |
The Business Administrator will submit to the Superintendent a draft analysis of District’s most recent expenditure per pupil in the following areas compared with such expenditures in districts which are similar to Geneseo CSD in student population and geographic size, geographic location, and assessed value per pupil: -Facility Maintenance Costs -General Education Costs - Special Education Costs - Fine Arts Program Costs - Interscholastic Athletic Costs - Transportation Costs -Instructional Salary Costs -Administrative Salary Costs | 6/30/2024 | Business Administrator | Analysis Submission | None | N/A |
Objective 5: By July 1, 2025, the District will conduct activities that enhance School Safety and Security.
Strategy/Action Step | Timeline | Responsibility | Measurement | Cost Factors | Status 9/30/2023 |
The Superintendent will provide the Board of Education with an overview of the Safety Audit recommendations | 6/30/2023 | Superintendent with the assistance of the District Safety Coordinator and SRO. | Executive Committee meeting. | $10,000 | COMPLETED Safety Audit was completed May 2023 and reviewed by the SRO and Administrative Team. |
The Superintendent will meet monthly with the Administrative Safety Committee to oversee the implementation of the safety audit recommendations. | 6/30/2024 | Superintendent with the assistance of the District Safety Coordinator and SRO. | Monthly meeting Agendas | Any equipment or signage needed. | Monthly meetings have been calendared |
Develop and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity plan based on the findings of the cybersecurity risk assessment. | 6/30/2023 | Technology Coordinator and Superintendent present findings in executive session. | $25,000 | COMPLETED February 2023, Anjolen presented to the BOE |