Budget Pass

2024 - 2025 Budget Vote

The 2024-2025 Proposed Budget has been APPROVED with a final count of 564 Yes Votes! This budget lets GCS continue providing rigorous academic offerings, robust fine arts opportunities, a large range of extracurricular activities, and athletic opportunities for all Geneseo Central School students! As the 2023-2024 School Year begins to wrap up, we are excited to start planning for the 2024-2025 academic year! 

Board of Education Vote

Three candidates sought election to two open Board of Education seats

Candidates and the number of votes they received are:

       Kevin Niedermaier - 494 Votes

       Lynn Muscarella - 623 Votes

       David Dwyer - 322 Votes

Congratulations to Kevin and Lynn on securing seats on our Board.

Thank you for your support in our Budget Vote and Election!